112年第1學期-1946 全球政治與社會變遷:當代議題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance and participation (出席及課堂參與) 30
Assignments/practices (作業/練習) 40
Final group performance (期末小組成果) 30


本課程名額為 20人,已有14 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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【附中文說明,完整版課綱亦可見系網站「全球政治與社會變遷:當代議題」PDF檔】 This course provides students with the opportunity to discuss social and political issues of the contemporary world in English. The goal of this course is to understand and explain political and social changes of the current world. Participants will not only learn basic concepts and arguments for their research, their own analysis and case study, but also enhance their ability of dealing with global public issues through the design-thinking method and other activities in class. Before the midterm, we will depict some major political and social changes that occurred between 1989 and the Covid-19 era by illustrating political and social trends in the post-pandemic era, by reflecting contemporary challenges of democracy, global social movements, migration and identity politics. After the midterm, we will discuss some ongoing socio-economic problems that different regions and societies try to solve, including housing crisis, energy and food sovereignty, knowledge, future work and leisure. We encourage participants to make possible policy suggestions or innovative cooperation strategies. 【中文說明】 這門課程提供參與者以英語學習和討論當代全球政治與社會變遷的重要議題。了解這些重要議題,除了有助於我們掌握當代政治與社會發展面臨的危機和分歧,也是尋找相關解決方案,甚至是跨域合作的必經過程。 課程選擇討論的議題,基本上環繞著近幾年全球值得留意的事件與現象,包括後疫情的政治與社會趨勢、1989年之後民主國家在制度和社會實踐上面臨的挑戰、難民潮、多元文化論和認同政治的發展、居住政策、能源與糧食、知識、工作與休閒等。我們將探討這些議題在不同社會和區域的政策方法與可能後果,反思不同立場的看法,並透過作業練習、設計思考(design thinking)和相關課程活動集思廣益,嘗試提出政策建議或創新合作方案。



Here are references for students who are interested in selected topics of our course:

Beck, Ulrich, 1999, World Risk Society. Cambridge: Polity. (中譯本:世界風險社會。南京:南京大學出版社。)

Botsman, Rachel, 2018, Who Can You Trust? How Technology Brought Us Together - and Why It Could Drive Us Apart. London: Penguin Business. (中譯本:信任革命:信任的轉移與科技所扮演的角色。臺北市:遠流)

Darling, Danny, 2020, The end of the Great Acceleration--and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy and Our Lives. New Haven: Yale University Press.(中譯本:大減速:飛躍式成長的終結,後疫情時代的全球脈動及契機。新北市:聯經。)

Harari, Yuval Noah, 2019, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. New York: Penguin Random House. (中譯本:21世紀的21堂課。臺北市:天下文化。)

Krastev, Ivan, 2020, Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic. London: Allen Lane.

Marshall, Tim, 2018, Divided: Why We're Living in an Age of Walls. London: Elliot & Thompson Ltd.(中譯本:牆的時代:國家之間的障礙如何改變我們的世界。新北市:遠足文化。)

Rattans, Ali, 2011, Multiculturalism. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(中譯本:多元文化主義:牛津非常短講 006。新北市:左岸文化。)

Urry, John & Larsen, Jonas, 2012: The Tourist Gaze 3.0. London: Sage Publications Ltd. (中譯本:觀光客的凝視 3.0。臺北市:書林。)


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