112年第1學期-2825 Biology and Ecology 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance and Participation 35 If students miss more than 5 classes they will not pass the course
Midterm Assignment 30 Individual, Quiz, open book
Final Assignment 35 Individual oral presentations in power point


本課程名額為 50人,已有28 人選讀,尚餘名額22人。

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Aleksandra Drizo


The main goals of this course are to 1) Introduce students to the themes and concepts of biology and ecology. 2) Develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the properties of life 3) Develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the levels of organization among living things 4) Introduce students to different sub disciplines in biology and ecology 5) Stimulate students to use critical thinking skills to solve problems 6) Instruct students to be scientifically literate, and be able to effectively communicate scientific ideas



References (selected examples, there will be at least 10-15 recommended reading throughout the course):
1. Choi, J. (2018). Free Biology 2e Textbook Available for Download – OpenStax. url: https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e
Students will be provided with either reading or video material that they are expected to view/read prior to class. Examples include:
2. Solomon, E. P., Berg, L. R., & Martin, D. W. (2011). Biology (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
3. Khan Academy (2023). Intro to photosynthesis. url: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-biology/cellular-energetics/photosynthesis/a/intro-to-photosynthesis#:~:text=Photosynthesis%20is%20the%20process%20in,is%20released%20as%20a%20byproduct.
4. Akinsemolu, A.A. (2020). Basic Ecology. In: The Principles of Green and Sustainability Science. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2493-6_2
5. Miller, G.T. and Spoolman, S.E. (2009). Essentials of Ecology. https://sangu.ge/images/EssentialsofEcology.pdf


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