112年第1學期-6271 全球/國際治理概論 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
small write-up, seminar discussion,paper presentation and term paper 100


本課程名額為 70人,已有4 人選讀,尚餘名額66人。

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The aim of this graduate seminar course is to elucidate the concept of "Governance" in its various meanings and to demonstrate how thinking, the concept and theories about international/global governance can contribute to our understanding of the contemporary IR field. And in this aspect, the approach of this course to the international and global governance both as an emergent focus of research in IR, and an explication of the utility of international organizations/institutions and regimes in achieving public goods(ie., norms, values and maintenance of peace and stability)throug collective action in lieu of unilateral self-help.


this is a graduate seminar course offered to the graduate students in varies fields in need. The aim of this course is to elucidate the concept of Governance in its various meanings and to demonstrate how thinking, the concept and theory about international/global governance can contribute to our understanding of the contemporary IR field, and its applications to the practice in international/global affairs.



Peter Kien-hong YU, W.Emily CHOW, and Shawn S.F. KAO eds.,"International Governance,Regimes, and Globalization", Lanham, Maryland:Lexingtion Books,2010

James N.Rosenau and Ernst-Otto Czempiel eds., "Governance Without Government:Order and Change in World Politics", Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press,1992

Margaret P.Karns, Karen A. Mignst, and Kendall W. Stiles,"International Organizations",Boulder,CO:Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2015

Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore.,"Rules for the World:International Organizations in Global Politics", Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004

Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl eds., "International Law:Classic and Contemporary Readings", 2009

Anne-Marie Slaughter,"A New World Order", Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press, 2004


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