112年第2學期-1366 策略規劃–從經營策劃到行銷策劃 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Personal Assignments 60
Team Project 30
Class Participation 10


本課程名額為 35人,已有23 人選讀,尚餘名額12人。

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I. Objectives 1. Help students review relevant Business Strategy and Marketing Strategy theories, models, and concepts 2. Help students apply their learning of business and marketing theories and knowledges to real cases 3. Help students to think logically and critically 4. Help students learn how to write a well-structured Business/Marketing Plan II. Major contents 1. Vision, missions, values, and business goal setting 2. Business Model 3. SWOT/TOWS Analysis 4. Funtional, Business, Corporate level strategies 5. Organization Design, Structure, Control Mechanism 6. Corporate Ethics and Culture 7. Marketing objectives in alignment with Business Plan 8. Positioning and Consumer Benefits/Proposals 9. Marketing Communications and IMC Caampaign Development 10. Business/Marketing Case Write-up


This course is about how to develop Strategic Thinking and Planning Capabilities through solving real management Business and Marketing cases. 2. To prepare our junior and senior college students for having the capacity of making strategic planning proposals for either business plan or marketing plan. 1. This is a course focusing on case studies related to Business Strategy and Marketing Strategy. 2. Students need to work on their personal assignments and team project (resolving case issues and/or on specific topics of a corporation). 3. Will provide major frameworks, concepts and models for pre-view and references. 4. Require write-up of a Business and/or Marketing Plan.



1. Strategic Management An Integration Approach 13th edition, Hiil,Schilling, Jones. Cengage/Mindtap,
2. From Good to Great, Jim Collins, 2001, Harper Business


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