112年第2學期-2779 The Art of Business in Asia 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 10
In-class Participation 30
Group Presentation 30
Individual report 30


本課程名額為 35人,已有27 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

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Upon completing the course, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of fundamental business and management concepts, with a particular emphasis on the Asian context. They will have developed the ability to compare and contrast business practices across various Asian cultures, fostering a nuanced approach to problem-solving in this region. Moreover, they will be able to demonstrate an awareness of the multi-dimensional challenges faced by firms operating in the Asian market. Students will have the skill to apply systematic and strategic analysis to business issues, taking into account various perspectives and factors relevant to the Asian business landscape. Furthermore, their critical thinking skills will be enhanced through practical problem-solving exercises tailored to the unique complexities of the Asia Pacific region.



Cases, articles, and news


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