112年第2學期-2822 General Physics 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 20 Only 3 absences from the class will be excused (Exception: Health-related emergencies)
Assignments 80 Submission of assignments after the deadline will not be allowed


本課程名額為 50人,已有34 人選讀,尚餘名額16人。

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The course begins with introduction to certain mathematical tools (vectors) necessary for understanding classical Newtonian mechanics as well as some basic topics in classical electromagnetism. Then the course deals with objects in motion, including how to quantify and relate characteristics such as force, velocity, momentum, energy, and power. The second half of the course focuses on waves and electromagnetism, starting with a look at the electric and magnetic forces and their sources, then moving to acoustic and electromagnetic waves, and ending with an overview of geometrical optics. By the end of the course, students should be armed with many of the tools they need to study physics in depth. The course of lectures will be modulated based on student aptitude and response. Fundamentals of quantum and particle physics will be included subject to the availability of time.



Physics: Principles with Application - 7th edition by Douglas Giancoli


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