112年第2學期-2835 Introduction to Semiconductors 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 20 Absence from class will be excused only 3 times (Exception: Health-related emergencies)
Assignments 20 Written/iLearn/In-class quizzes
Participation in ICIC conference 20 Presenting and/or attending as an audience and asking questions will be considered as participation ( I will need proof of participation: pictures/videos/certificates)
Final 40 Written/Presentation


本課程名額為 50人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額13人。

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The objective of this course is to introduce the students (including non-science students) to the brain of modern electronics- semiconductors. The course covers the physical principles of operation of semiconductor devices. However, we will cover the very basics of atomic structure, the origin of energy bands & semiconducting properties transport properties, and generation recombination phenomena in bulk semiconductors, first. Then, we will study the junctions between semiconductors and metal-semiconductor. Equipped with an understanding of the character of physical phenomena in semiconductors, students will learn the principles of operation p-n junction diodes, metal-semiconductor contacts, bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors, etc. Finally, we will also discuss the various thin film-manufacturing technologies.



• For reference: Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Second Edition, By Hong Xiao, SPIE
• For reference: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Advanced Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering: Volume 13, By Chue San Yoo, World Scientific
• For reference: An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices, By Donald Neamen, McGraw Hill, 2006


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