112年第2學期-2861 GL:Personal Identity in Historical Perspective 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Plagiarism Contract & Quiz 10
Attendance 15
Class Discussions 15
Critical Questions 15
Philosophical Diary 15


本課程名額為 30人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額25人。

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This philosophy course will explore two main topics: personal identity and free will. In the section on free will, we will examine the question of whether we have the ability to make choices that are truly free, or whether our actions are predetermined by external factors such as genetics, environment, or the laws of nature. We will explore the arguments of philosophers who have written about the nature of free will and how it relates to our sense of agency, responsibility, and moral judgment. In the section on personal identity, we will discuss what it means to be a self, and how our sense of self is related to our experiences, memories, and physical bodies. We will consider the ideas of philosophers who have written about the concept of personal identity and how it is affected by changes in our experiences, our relationships with others, and our sense of the past.


In this course, we explore some of the historically important philosophical questions relating to the human person. This will include discussions about the existence (or non-existence) of free will; the question of what makes you the particular person you are; and the nature of the human (and non-human mind).



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