112年第2學期-3167 社會:民主主義在東亞:從冷戰到今日 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
participation 33 including the field trips
research projects 33
mid-term and term papers 33


本課程名額為 35人,已有34 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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Democracy takes different forms in different historical, social, political, and economic contexts. In the East Asia, especially after the WWII, the concept of democracy was promoted mainly by the United States of America. We will look closely at how social and political movements by the local peoples were suppressed and sabotaged at the very beginning of the Cold War and how this affected the developments of democracy in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. We will understand how these three countries economically developed rapidly during the Cold War with the American aids and, also, how economical liberalism prevailed in these countries which directly lead to the present neo-liberalism. The course intends to raise students’historical awareness toward the society and its democratic principles. 1. What is democracy: the ideals and the realities 2. How was democracy introduced in the East Asia 1) history of colonization of Asia 2) the western and eastern“Orientalism” 3) the China War and the Pacific War (WWII) 4) local peoples’struggle for democracy and self-governances 5) the end of the WWII, the beginning of the Cold War 6) the military juntas (the reverse course and the 1955 System in Japan) 7) the Korean War 8) the US aids and the north American Christianity 9) the Viet Nam War and the economical boost 10) the end of the Cold War and so-called democratization 3. The rise of Neo-Liberalism in the East Asia 1) economical de-regulations and sabotage and demonization of the labor movements 2) privatization of public services 3) the Asia Currency Crisis in 1997 4) 911 and the War on Terror 4. Procedural democracy and radical democracy: the liberalism and the libetarianism 5. How do we understand our society today? 1) the public sphere and the private sphere 2) states’ secret versus peoples’ privacy?





A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew, Foreign Affairs April 1994
Is Culture Destiny? The Myth of Asia's Anti-Democratic Values, Kim Daejung, Foreign Affairs December 1994
The Untold History of the United States, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, 2012, Random House


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