本課程已於 2024-03-03停開

112年第2學期-6271 環境政策 課程資訊


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本課程名額為 70人,已有3 人選讀,尚餘名額67人。

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 Why do individuals and corporations pollute the environment?  Why do we care about pollution? What values are at stake?  What public policies can redirect individual and corporate behavior in a way that reduces environmental harm?  What political obstacles get in the way of enacting appropriate policies?  What new ways of thinking about environmental politics can create the possibility of better outcomes?



Bäckstrand, Karin (2006). Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Rethinking Legitimacy, Accountability and Effectiveness. European Environment, 16, 290-306.
Brink, Ebba & Christine Wamsler (2017). Collaborative Governance for Climate Change Adaptation: Mapping citizen–municipality interactions. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28, 82–97.
Clar, Christoph & Reinhard Steurer (2018). Why popular support tools on climate change adaptation have difficulties in reaching local policy‐makers: Qualitative insights from the UK and Germany. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28, 172–182.
Collins, Kevin & Ray Ison (2009). Jumping off Arnstein’s Ladder: Social Learning as a New Policy Paradigm for Climate Change Adaptation. Environmental Policy and Governance, 19, 358–373.
Cooper-Searle, Simone, Finbarr Livesey & Julian M. Allwood (2018). Why are Material Efficiency Solutions a Limited Part of the Climate Policy Agenda? An application of the Multiple Streams Framework to UK policy on CO2 emissions from cars. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28, 51-64.
Deters, Henning (2019). European environmental policy at 50: Five decades of escaping decision traps? Environmental Policy and Governance, n/a, 1-11.
Hausknost, Daniel & et al. (2018). Investigating patterns of local climate governance: How low‐carbon municipalities and intentional communities intervene in social practices. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28, 371–382.
Jordan, Andrew & Andrea Lenschow (2010). Policy Paper Environmental Policy Integration: A State of the Art Review. Environmental Policy and Governance, 20, 147–158.
Kombat, Alex Moyem & Frank Wätzold (2019). The emergence of environmental taxes in Ghana: A public choice analysis. Environmental Policy and Governance, 29, 46–54.
Lin, Teh-chang (2007). Environmental NGOs and Anti-Dam Movements in China: A Social Movement with Chinese Characteristics. Issues & Studies, 43(4): 149-184.
Mees, Heleen L. P. & et al. (2019). From ci


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