112年第2學期-6325 國際公法專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課堂參與 20
課堂作業 20
期末考 60


本課程名額為 15人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額10人。

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This is a graduate seminar course, designing for the Political science students to understand international law(IL) as the cause, the consequence, and the condition of global affairs. It is expected that students could transcend their existing knowledge base, learn to link the study of IL with IR theories, and reflect the normative prospect of international politics in the contemporary era. Based upon the course objectives described above, the origins, the nature and the evolution of international law are major issues for discussion.


International law is defined as that body of rules or laws which is binding on states and other international persons in their mutual relations. The content of the class involves treaties, states’ rights and obligations, recognition, dispute resolution, law of the sea, and diplomacy.



-David Armstrong, Theo Farrell and Helene Lambert, International Law and International Relations(Cambridge University Press)

-Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law,(Cambridge University Press)

-Basak Cali (ed.) 2010. International Law for International Relations. Oxford University Press


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