112年第2學期-6331 政黨政治專題研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Participation 30
Midterm report 30
Final report 40


本課程名額為 15人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額10人。

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This course deals with the following issues. First, the teacher would elaborate normative and institutional foundations of modern political parties. Secondly, the teacher would talk about the composition of political party, namely the leader, cadres, due paying members, militants, and electoral base. He would also elaborate some major trends of the 21st century, including sharp decline of the number of due paying members and growing concentration of power. Thirdly, the teacher would explore the functions of political party, including interest aggregation, political mobilization, and political recruitment. Fourthly, the teacher would talk about different type of political parties, such as all-around and single-issue party. Fifthly, the teacher would explore two-party and multi-party systems. He would also distinguish the majority party from major party. Sixthly, the teacher would talk about party coalition. It consists of two subtopics. One is about electoral alliance and coalition government. Another is about the degree of polarization.



Cole, Alistair, and Peter Campbell, French Electoral Systems and Elections Since 1789, (London: Gower), 1989.
Declair, Edward G., Politics on the Fringe: The People, Politics and Organization of the French National Front, (London: Duke University Press), 1999.
Duverger, Maurice, Political Parties, (London: Lowe & Brydone), 1972.
Flinders, Matthew et al eds, The Oxford Handbook of British Politics, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2009.
Green, Simon, Dan Hough and Alister Miskimmon, The Politics of the New Germany, 2nd edition, (NY: Routeledge), 2012.
Knapp, Andrew, Gaullism since de Gaulle, (England: Dartmouth), 1994.
Marcus, Jonathan, The National Front and French Politics, (London: Macmillan), 1995.
Patterson, Thomas, We the People: A Concise Introduction to American Politics, 9th Edition, (NY: MaGraw-Hill), 2011.
Safran, William, The French Polity, (New York: Longman), 2003.


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