112年第2學期-6514 國際社會工作專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Weekly assignment 30 Answer weekly question (500-600 words) and post on Teams before Wednesday noon.
Weekly reflection 10 Weekly reflection (10%) Write course reflection (more than 100 words). Post on iLearns before Saturday night.
Weekly discussion 30 Join the group discussion in seminar room to review the last week course and discuss weekly assignment with classmates.
Group presentation 30 The product can be a brochure, desk calendar, interactive map, short film or any other creative form approved by course instructor.


本課程名額為 70人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額64人。

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This course aims to familiarize students with international social work, exploring the theories that underpin current practices. It delves into various aspects of international social work, such as policy planning, program administration, direct practice, consultation, and research. In an era of ongoing globalization, where regions are intricately interdependent and face global challenges, understanding humanitarian aid within the context of international and domestic dynamics becomes crucial. By learning from diverse countries, students can foster service innovation and professional growth. The course covers the broad spectrum of international social work, offering insights into global issues, with poverty as an illustrative example, and major theories addressing different forms of poverty, including Taiwan's transitional experience. Practitioners from official agencies and NGOs will share their experiences abroad during the second part of the course. Aligning with the educational goals of our social work department, this course intends to cultivate in students an awareness of the interplay among global, regional, and domestic factors shaping the social work profession. It provides an analytical framework for understanding cross-cultural and global practices at different levels, fostering critical examination of social problems from a non-colonial perspective.


This course is designed to introduce students to international social work and the theories and perspectives that underpin current thinking and practice in international social work, introduces social work practice in an international context. Since international social work(ITSW) practice is a relatively new field, the focus of the course is on helping each student develop her/his conceptualization of international social work practice, including the areas of policy planning, program administration, direct practice, consultation, and research. As a result of the ongoing globalization process, many regions in the world have become heavily interdependent with each other, and they all face the grand challenges of our time. Humanitarian Aids in Taiwan and other countries are shaped by both international and domestic dynamics, which result in their similarities as well as distinctiveness. In order to promote service innovation and professional development, it is beneficial for social work students to learn the experiences and lessons from different countries. Also, given the close interaction between Taiwan and other parts of the world, oftentimes we need to have a global perspective and engage in cross-national collaboration when addressing local social issues. To understand Taiwan’s changing and growing role in the world, the course will explore Taiwan’s experience in international development and cooperation. In the first part (week 1-8), we will give a general picture from ITSW value and perspective of global issues(issues exemplify by poverty) as well as major theories to understand and address different types of poverty (including Taiwan’s transitional experience). In the second part (week 10-16), we will invite practitioners from official agency and NGOs to introduce their main activities abroad based on their professional field.



Cox, D., & Pawar, M. (2017). International Social Work: Issues, Strategies, and Programs (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Katie Willis. (2005). Theories and Practices of Development. New York: Routledge.


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