112年第2學期-7326 民法理論專題研究(一) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課程參與 Participation 30
期末書面報告 Term Paper 70


本課程名額為 70人,已有23 人選讀,尚餘名額47人。

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李君韜 陳弘儒


本課程著重於當代契約法重要制度與法理論、法律史之間的連結,期使課程參與者獲得更寬廣的視野與更妥適的理論工具,作為研究我國契約法相關議題的基礎。課程將分為兩部分進行:第一部分以羅馬契約法案例為主要內容,呈現當代契約法的歷史起源,以及羅馬法學家確立契約法各項制度時採用的方法。第二部分則以研讀契約法理論經典文獻為主,嘗試呈現契約法基本概念的理論建構。藉由羅馬契約法的案例分析,最能有效學習法學思維的方法,並培養進行比較法研究的能力。契約法理論的文獻則能提供妥適的理論工具,對契約法基本概念進行批判反思,以掌握其內涵、結構及其概念間的相互關聯。 This course focuses on the connections between main institutions of contract law on the one hand and legal theory as well as legal history on the other hand. It aims to provide participants with wider perspectives and proper theoretical tools as a foundation for further researches related to our own contract law. The course is divided into two parts: the first part primarily focuses on cases of Roman contract law, in order to present the historical origins of contemporary contract law and the method used by Roman jurists in establishing various contract law institutions. The second part consists mainly of reading classic literature on contract law theory, attempting to present the theoretical construction of basic contract law concepts. Reading and analyzing cases of Roman law is the most effective way to learn the method of clear legal thinking and acquire a solid foundation for researches in comparative law. Theory of contract law, on the other hand, provides us with proper tools for a profound reflection on the fundamental concepts of contract law and a clear structure for comprehending their quintessence as well as their interrelations.



Bruce Frier, A Casebook on Roman Law of Contracts, 2021.
Charles Fried, Contract as Promise. A Theory of Contractual Obligation, 2015.


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