113年第2學期-1156 Business Policy and Strategy 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Continual Evaluation 10
Business Plan: Assessment by Internal Examiners 45 Individual and Group Grading
Business Plan: Assessment by External Examiners 45 Individual and Group Grading


本課程名額為 70人,已有61 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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This capstone course aims to enhance and integrate comprehensive business decision-making skills for students across various disciplines in management through intensive team work and interactive discussion with peers and advisors of diverse expertise. The students are to complete with team members a professional business plan that contains the executive summary, study of alternative business opportunities based on industry and macroeconomic analysis, and critical review of effective plan execution in terms of marketing, financing, organizational, and supply-chain strategies. The plan will be continually revised at regular meetings with the advisors over the semester before being submitted and presented to a committee composed of internal and external examiners for final review in a scheduled open-campus event welcoming active online and/or face-to-face participation by invited family members and friends in addition to parallel sessions of poster presentation to the public on campus.



There is no single textbook that fits this course. Supporting lecture notes and supplemental material for in-class discussions are to be distributed following the progress of the course.


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