113年第2學期-1167 Business Research Methods 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Discussion 20
Assignments and Quizzes 30
Exams and Exercises 30
Research Projects 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有61 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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This course exposes students to a representative portfolio of research methods indispensable for effective business decision-making in a global context. The methods to be deepened in the course are first examined with key concepts and associated theories before being applied to a variety of real-world examples illustrated in class. The course also helps students to be able to clearly define research problems, adopt appropriate methods, and collect, analyze, and interpret relevant data. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are stressed, with a critical assessment of respective issues and limitations. Further, this course will introduce the essential methodology using SAS for data analytics and business analytics in business research. Students are expected to learn the basic SAS programming techniques, as well as data analytical skills for global business research using SAS software throughout the course.



Lecture Notes provided by the instructor
Reference Textbook:
Practical Statistical Methods A SAS Programming Approach by Lakshmi V. Padgett, 2011, CRC Press


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