113年第2學期-2741 Asians and Popular Culture 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Reading quizzes 20
Participation 20
Pecha Kucha presentation 20
Final examination 40


本課程名額為 50人,已有22 人選讀,尚餘名額28人。

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Sam Pack


The primary objective will be to challenge students to rethink the very notion of the popular and view popular culture not as something trivial but as a critical mode of production with significant racial, ethnic, political, and economic ramifications. A related objective of this course is to explore the impact of popular culture in Asia and its cultural flows around the world by understanding the social and historical contexts behind their production as well as the fan communities that consume these products. The underlying goal is to examine the ways in which the global and local are not mutually exclusive but can co-exist simultaneously as the “glocal.” Upon completion of the course, students would be able to: 1.Convey a sense, and understanding, of cultural diversity; 2.Increase awareness of continuing inequalities concerning race, class, and sexuality inequality in our society and beyond; 3.Improve skills in oral presentation; 4.Develop writing and multimedia skills; 5.Expand students’ ability to analyze power dynamics from the micro-level to the macro-level and connect theory with contemporary issues and practices; 6.Promote a more nuanced understanding of cultural variation across the globe; 7.Reflect on intersectional theory as it relates to structures along with our own social locations that inform our personal passions, skills and interests and formulate ideas about how to make an informed and positive impact going forward.



Readings will be provided by the instructor


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