113年第2學期-2747 Habit Formation and Change 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Attitude & Participation 20 attendance and being present, not on devices
Weekly Assignments and Reflections 25 daily in-class exercises and worksheets, reflections
Projects and Presentations 30 application of principles to personal change
Final 25 case studies and insights


本課程名額為 25人,已有13 人選讀,尚餘名額12人。

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Course Objectives: 1. Understand the neurological and psychological mechanisms behind habit formation and change. 2. Apply principles from the course to everyday life and various real-world contexts. 3. Analyze and assess personal habits to develop effective strategies for positive change. 4. Evaluate case studies and real-life examples to gain insights into the impact of habits on decision-making and success. Course Content: Week 1: Introduction to Habit Formation and The Habit Loop • Introduction to habit concepts and historical perspectives. • Role of habits in daily life. • Understanding the habit loop and neurological foundations. Week 2: The Power of Cues, Rewards, and Keystone Habits • Exploration of cues, rewards, and the 1% rule for improvement. • Identifying and leveraging keystone habits. • Group discussions on habit strategies. Week 3: Habit Stacking and Environment Design • Techniques for stacking habits effectively. • Designing environments to foster positive habits. • Practical exercises and applications. Week 4: Habit Tracking, Accountability, and Peer Workshops • Developing habit tracking tools and systems. • Building accountability structures for sustainable change. • Peer workshops for collaborative learning and support.



1. Duhigg, Charles. (2014). "The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in life and business." Random House Trade Paperbacks.
2. Clear, James. (2018). "Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes Remarkable Results." Avery.
3. Supplementary readings, articles, and online resources will be provided as needed.


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