113年第2學期-2766 GL:Trends in Global Ecology & Environmental Change 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 20 In order to be considered present, the studenthasto stay in class for the whole period and dotheassignments (if any). An absence from classwillbe excused only 3times/semester (exception: cases of health related emergencies)
In-class group discussion and presentation 40 Weekly topics will be discussed and then the group presents the ideas to the teacher and classmate; kahoot based assignments
Final presentation 40 A group activity of preparing a presentation on a chosen topic and presenting


本課程名額為 40人,已有27 人選讀,尚餘名額13人。

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This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the principles of ecology and sustainability. By examining environmental systems on a global scale, students will explore the integrated nature of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric systems. The human footprint on these systems, through activities such as pollution creation, climate alteration, resource extraction, and unsustainable agricultural practices, will be critically analyzed. The course will also highlight emerging trends in resource management and the pursuit of sustainable solutions for food, energy, and material production. In addition to environmental sustainability, the course will emphasize the interconnectedness of ecological health with social sustainability and inclusiveness. Students will explore how social equity, cultural diversity, and inclusive decision-making contribute to resilient communities and sustainable environmental outcomes. The role of social structures in promoting equitable access to resources, mitigating environmental injustice, and fostering collaboration across diverse communities will be a critical focus, illustrating the inextricable link between societal well-being and ecological balance.



These are for reference. Study Materials will be provided as lecture slides

1. UN publications for the Sustainable Development Goals (available online).

2. Research Literature available for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications by William P. Cunningham and Mary Ann Cunningham.

4. A concise introduction to the basic concepts of environmental science, covering sustainability, ecosystems, and human impacts.

5. Environment: The Science Behind the Stories by Jay H. Withgott and Matthew Laposata

This book integrates real-world case studies with core concepts. This is a foundational text that discusses the impact of pollution and chemical use on ecosystems.

6.Sustainability Principles and Practice by Margaret Robertson
Focused on sustainability concepts, this book provides a practical guide for understanding and applying sustainable development principles.

7. The Ecology of Human Development by Urie Bronfenbrenner
While this focuses on human ecology, it provides a foundation for understanding how human systems interact with broader ecological systems.

8. Ecological Principles of Agriculture by Laurie E. Drinkwater
This resource is useful for the sections on sustainable agriculture and resource harvesting.

9. Global Environmental Change: Research Pathways for the Next Decade by National Research Council
Offers insights into interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and mitigating environmental change.

10. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
A foundational text that discusses the impact of pollution and chemical use on ecosystems, still relevant for discussions on pollution and environmental health.

11. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert
Focused on biodiversity loss and the human impact on species extinction.

12. Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions by A. Barrie Pittock
A comprehensive guide to understanding climate change


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