113年第2學期-2768 Human Resource Management 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 10 Roll Call
Mid-term exam 30
Final exam 30
Other 30 Report, Quiz, In-class Activities, etc.


本課程名額為 70人,已有57 人選讀,尚餘名額13人。

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1. The course objectives include explaining what HRM is, discussing trends influencing HRM like technology and demographics, outlining components of HRM today like strategic HRM and sustainability, and listing HRM manager competencies. 2. The contents include an overview of HRM and its line and staff aspects, HRM responsibilities, the HRM department's roles, trends shaping HRM like workforce diversity and globalization, pillars of modern HRM like distributed HR and use of analytics, the competencies of today's HR manager, and the course's coverage of topics like recruitment, compensation, employee relations. 3. Key points are that HRM helps managers avoid mistakes and boost performance, evolving trends shape how HR tasks are done, HR strategy now aligns with company strategy, and new technologies redistribute traditional HR roles.



Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management (Global Edition), 16 Ed. (ISBN:978-1292309125)

Book Agency:
Hwa Tai Publishing(Agent: Hwa Tai Publishing /代理商:華泰文化)


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