113年第2學期-3383 Honors: Critical Reading & Writing 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
class participation 40
informal regular writing reflections 40
formal writing assigments 20


本課程名額為 35人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額30人。

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David Scott Wible


This course is conducted as a workshop rather than lectures. It is designed as hands-on practice in developing students’ reading and writing skills (in English) as critical life-long tools for deepening their understanding of unfamiliar topics and issues and their capacity to convey that emerging understanding clearly. To practice uncovering and exploring the underlying issues that are typically neglected, students engage in a recurring cycle of reading, discussion, writing, further reading and rewriting. This exploratory mindset driven by this cycle becomes familiar during the course by reuse on different theme-based modules. The number of modules in the semester will be decided by the pace and depth of our progress in each module as we go. Students will write for a range of purposes and for different intended readers for each theme, thus developing their awareness of how the key factors of purpose and audience shape the quality of their writing.



Epstein, David (2019) Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World


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