113年第2學期-5497 環境變遷與森林生態系文獻選讀(二) 課程資訊


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課堂討論與報告 50 指定章節報告及作業
期末報告 50


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Forests, as the largest part of terrestrial ecosystem, play a critical role as various processes that support the internal functioning of the forest and connect it to surrounding landscape and the globe, directly affecting movement of energy and elements, and organisms. Hubbard Brook stands as a paradigmatic example of long-term study, spanning over 50 years, focused on forest ecosystem from structure and function of forest ecosystems. This site also offers valuable insights into how forest ecosystems respond to environmental change and manipulated experiments. Therefore, this textbook used will give us a solid foundation to comprehend the processes of forest ecosystem. Furthermore, recent research findings will contribute to our understanding of the current developments regarding the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems.



Holmes RT, Likens GE (2016) Hubbard Brook: the story of a forest ecosystem. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.


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