113年第2學期-5571 企業電子化與供應鏈管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Participation 10 Student active participation in weekly meeting
Technical Ability 50 Student ability to follow technical method for solving various supply chain problem
Written Report 25 Student ability to write academic reports of the case studies
Presentation and Discussion 15 Student ability to formally make oral presentations of case studies and engagement in the discussion


本課程名額為 70人,已有1 人選讀,尚餘名額69人。

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Introduce the strategy and importance of supply chain management in organizations including electronic business. Explain also individual elements in the supply chain in detail, explain the application of industrial engineering in supply chain management, propose a comprehensive management perspective, and understand the supply chain system. Learn how to design supply chain network, logistics, and transportation. Learn the supply chain information system and overall information network architecture, and finally illustrate the application concepts and theory of supply chain management to supply chain cases.



1. Chopra, S. (2018). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation,
Enhanced, Global Edition, 7th Edition.
2. Selected international journal articles in the area of Supply Chain Management


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