113年第2學期-6150 Global Entrepreneurship 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
class participation 30
mini project 40
final presentation 30


本課程名額為 30人,已有2 人選讀,尚餘名額28人。
本課程可網路登記,目前已登記人數為 4 人,選上機率為99.9%

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The design and flow of this course are aimed at creating knowledge, skills, and awareness of new business opportunities. In a pragmatic way—through text, cases, and hands-on exercises. This subject designed for delivery over four linked modules. First, the course introduces tools for business idea generation. Second, entrepreneurial process (including, opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial marketing, financing, team building) will be addressed. The emerging issue such as social and corporate entrepreneurship will be discussed in the third and fourth modules.



Schilling, M. A., & Shankar, R. (2019). Strategic management of technological innovation. McGraw-Hill Education.
Entrepreneurship, 3rd ed, William Bygrave & Andrew Zacharakis, Wiley


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