101年第1學期-3306 大一英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm Exam 25
Final Exam 25
In-Class Grade 50 1. Quizzes 15% 2. Orals 15% 3. Writing 10% 4. Participation 10%


本課程名額為 35人,已有28 人選讀,尚餘名額7人。

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1. 提升英語文聽、說、讀、寫、溝通能力,以應用於實際生活中。 To enhance students’ English listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities so that they can apply them in their lives. 2. 培養以英語文獨立邏輯思考、分析判斷、整合創新之能力,以增進解決問題之能力。 To cultivate students’ ability to think independently, logically, analytically, synthetically, and creatively in English so that they can enhance their problem-solving ability. 3. 增進學習英語文之興趣與主動涉獵多元領域知識之積極態度,以提升人文素養與科技知能。To promote students’ interest in learning English and their proactive attitudes toward learning knowlede of various disciplines so that they can enrich their cultivation of liberal arts as well as their knowledge of sciece and technology. 4. 培養運用有效的英語文學習方法之能力,以提升自學能力及奠定終身學習之基礎。 To foster students’ ability to use effective English learning strategies so that they can enhance their self-study ability and pave the way for lifelong learning. 5. 促進對多元文化與生命意義之了解與尊重,以培養包容之國際觀與正確之人生觀。 To promote students’ understanding of and respect toward multiculture and meaning of life so that they can develop an understanding view of the world and a sound view of life.


Freshman English for Non-English Majors (FENM) is a required course for the majority of freshmen at Tunghai University. This course is intended as a general four skills (namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing) integrated English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) course emphasizing English fluency in general contexts, i.e., English use for general purposes. Thereby, the course is designed to help students use their existing general knowledge about themselves and about the world along with the knowledge of the English language they have acquired to enhance their general English proficiency and enrich their personal background knowledge by using English to learn and communicate. Specifically, the FENM course maximizes students’ opportunities to use English in a wide variety of contexts both in and outside class. Furthermore, it provides an atmosphere that will increase students’ participation and confidence in a non-threatening, whole-English learning environment and that will facilitate students’ acquisition of new knowledge and skills of the English language and new knowledge about the world. 大一英文是東海大學大一學生之必修課程,本課程融合英語文聽、說、讀、寫等語言技能,著重英語文在一般情境、場合使用中所需之語言技能與流利度。因此,本課程設計主要在於幫助學生結合自己個人既有之一般性智能與英語文智能,藉由用英語文學習及溝通之方式,提升學生之英語文能力及充實學生之個人智能。具體而言,本課程提供多元化之學習情境與活動,讓學生在課堂、課外皆有充分使用英語文之機會,同時,亦提供一個和諧愉快、全英語文之課堂學習環境,藉以增加學生課堂活動之參與及學習英語文之信心,並有助於充實學生之英語文智能與個人智能。



1. Reading Explorer 2, by Paul Maclntyre, Heinle
2. Developing Tactics for Listening, by Jack C. Richards with Grant Trew, Oxford University Press
3. Simplified Readers (SR):
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (SR 1) (to be finished by 10/25)
A Christmas Carol (SR 2) (to be finished by 12/20)
Tasty Tales (SR 3) (Winter Vacation Assignment)


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