101年第1學期-4289 有機材料化學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
平時成績佔 30 上課發言多者加分
期中報告 30 繳交材料化學相關書面報告一份
期末考 40 依上述規定所計算之學生個人之 初步總平均如果未達 45分,則須強迫參加 補考,無故不參加者則不及格論。


本課程名額為 40人,已有10 人選讀,尚餘名額30人。

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PartⅠ:有機薄膜電晶體: 1. Thin-Film Transistors – A Historical Perspective 2. The Development of and Advances in Amorphous and Polycrystalline Si Materials and Devices 3. Vacuum-Deposited Organic Thin-Film Field-Effect Transistors Based on Small Molecules 4. Organic Transistors: Materials, Patterning Techniques and Applications 5. Polymer Transistor Circuits Fabricated by Solution Processing and Direct Printing 6. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin-Film Transistors Part II:有機太陽能電池導論: 1. Introduction to Solar Cell and Basic Principle of PV 2. Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors 3. Generation and Recombination 4. Si and Ⅲ-Ⅴ Based Solar Cells) and Thin film Based Solar Cells 5. Organic Photovoltaic Cell and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell 6. Fabrication device of DSSCs and OPV and Optics Properties of Solar Cells Part III:有機發光二極體: 1. Introduction to Flat Panel Displays 2. Chromatology of Display 3. Liquid Crystal Displays 4. Introduction OLED 5. Organic Materials and Inorganic Light Emitting Diodes 6. White OLEDs Fabrication and Design Structure of Devices 7. Device Packaging Technology



1. Thin-Film Transistors (Cherie R. Kagan and Paul Andry) 2003.
2. Organic Field-Effect Transistors (Zhenan Bao and Jason Locklin) 2007.
3. The Physics of Solar Cells (J. Nelson), Imperial College Press, 2003.
4. 太陽能電池:原理、元件、材料、製程與檢測技術 (翁敏航、楊茹媛、管鴻、
晁成虎合著),東華出版社, 2011.
5. Flexible Flat Panel Displays (G. P. Crawford), John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
6. Introduction to Flat Panel Displays (J. -H. Lee, D. N. Liu, and S. -T. Wu),
Wiley & Sons,2008.
7. OLED Materials and Devices of Dream Displays (陳金鑫、黃孝文合著),五南
圖書出版社, 2007.


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