101年第1學期-4995 非營利組織管理專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
閱讀心得 30 應繳交三次
期末報告 40 含期末報告初稿簡報,占10%;期末報告占30%
課堂報告 20 含PPT簡報或書面內容、台風、解說表現等
課程參與 10 上課討論、出席演講、班級服務等


本課程名額為 5人,已有9 人選讀,尚餘名額-4人。

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伴隨公民社會的發展與成熟,世界各國非營利組織的規模與產值不僅超越營利部門,在功能角色方面更已成為政府不可或缺的合作夥伴,儼然被稱為所謂「第三者政府」。約自1990年以來,各類民間自發性組織持續蓬勃發展,積極地擔負起彌補社會需求和公共服務落差的角色,自外於政府部門(第一部門)及私人企業(第二部門)等機構,成為以公益為先的「第三部門」(The Third Sector),對於私人企業不願介入,而政府又力猶未逮的文化及社會等領域,非營利組織的參與恰可彌補此一缺口。 此外,在國家與社會互動架構下,公民對於攸關其福祉的「公共服務」(public service)自然會形成種種要求,除了責求政府「公正廉能」,以及提供更多元、更具品質及更符合正義的「公共服務」之外,甚至主動要求參與公共政策之「規劃、執行和評估」,這正也是國家民主化的落實。而非營利組織,因具備取私為公、去私存公的「公共性」特質,正好成為公民參與公共服務的最佳管道。因此,深入研究非營利組織課題,對學術研究與實務工作之發展,均極具意義與價值,亦可藉此為個人生涯發展開啟新頁。 為增進同學們對非營利組織管理理論與實務的認識,本課程內容涵蓋「導論、公共性、發展與變遷、NPO現狀、合作與聯盟、夥伴關係、課責、信任與契約、產業化議題、非政府組織、信仰型組織、社區基金會、社會企業、中國NPO發展」等主題。





Austin, James (2000) The collaboration challenge: How nonprofits and businesses succeed through strategic alliances. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Bozeman, Barry (1987). Why All Organizations are Public: A Multi-Dimensional View of Publicness. All Organizations are Public (pp. 83-106). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Bozeman, Barry (2008) The “publicness” puzzle revisited: An integrative approach to managing publicness. Presented in the Conference of Minnowbrook Ⅲ.
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M. (2002) Government–Nonprofit partnership: A defining framework. Public Administration and Development, 22: 19-30.
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M. and Derick W. Brinkerhoff (2002) Government–Nonprofit relations in comparative perspective: Evolution, themes and new directions. Public Administration and Development, 22: 3-18.
Buckhoff, Thomas and Abbie Gail Parham (2009) Fraud in the Nonprofit Sector? You bet. Strategic Finance, June: 53-56.
Daly, Siobhan (2008) Institutional innovation in philanthropy: Community foundations in the UK. Voluntas, 19: 219-241.
Dudley, Larkin (2008) Need for balance? Publicness in the inherently governmental dialogue. Presented in the Conference of Minnowbrook Ⅲ.
Easterling, Doug (2009) The leaderships role of community foundations in building social capital. National Civic Review, 97(4): 39-51.
Evers, Adalbert et al. (2004) The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Feiock, Richard and Hee Soun Jang (2009) Nonprofits as local government service contractors. Public Administration Review, July/August: 668-680.
Graddy, Elizabeth and Lili Wang (2009) Community foundation development and social capital. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 38(3): 392-412.
Halseth, Greg and Laura Marie Ryser (2007) The development of partnerships by the voluntary sector to address service needs in rural and small town Canada. Volu ntas, 18: 241-265.
Kearns, Kevin (2007) Income portfolios in nonprofit organizations: Theory, practice


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