101年第1學期-5403 空間型構數位分析 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
平時表現 20 學期間無故累計三次缺席者,本項成績以零分計
作業成績(一)(二)(三) 30 未按時繳交作業者,本項成績以零分計。
期末口頭報告 50 未繳交期末報告簡報檔者,本項成績以零分計。


本課程名額為 20人,已有21 人選讀,尚餘名額-1人。

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1. 課程中透過國內外建築作品之空間組構型態分析作業練習,輔導學生解析潛藏於表層空間型態背後之深層文化觀念(Spatial Configuration and Cultural Cognition and Their Inter-relationships),並經由跨年代與跨地域之實證案例解析,讓學生 自己探索空間形式轉化過程中之文化同質性與異質性,藉此培養其原創性研究之樂趣。 2. 經由國內都市空間型態之解析作業練習,訓練學生小組合作之配合與領導能力,誘導學生以小組討論方式,探討現有都市空間 所存在之各項規劃設計與使用落差之議題,期能訓練學生利用本分析工具客觀診斷現有都市空間組構型態與使用行為間(Urban Space Structure and Space-use Patterns)之各類問題。並藉此訓練學生小組合作以擬定可能解決方案之學習過程。


This lecture proposes to focus on the important and fundamental spatial theory developed by Prof. Bill Hillier that Space is the invisible interface which in effect plays as a driving force for daily encounters of inhabitants and this mechanism should be perceived rather as a metaphor of machine than as a real machine, which only has fixed functions like any mechanical machine (Hillier, 1996, Space is the machine, pp. 376-380). There are three major viewpoints in space syntax approach: immaterial and void spaces; scientific and quantification; phenomenology and social outcomes tendency. The training goal of this lecture has been designed to meet the following educational pedagogy initiated by the Department of Architecture at Tunghai Uni.: To facilitate students’ professional knowledge of parametric thinking to analyze social spatial issues; to strengthen students’ professional ability of parametric making on spatial and form design through a combination with various parametric tools, such as Grasshopper, Rhino, etc.



1. 蘇智鋒,2012,〈空間型構基因導論-Space Syntax(空間型構數位分析)之運用〉,上課講義。
2. Hillier, Bill & Julienne Hanson,1984, Social Logic of Space,Cambridge University Press。
3. Hillier, Bill,1996,Space is The Machine,Cambridge University Press。
4. Hanson, Julienne,1998,Decoding Homes and Houses,Cambridge University Press。


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