104年第1學期-6818 餐旅連鎖經營研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Attendance 20 Student participation, in the form of class discussion is an integral part of the course and attendance is strongly recommended
Group Presentation and Report I 30 Group presentation is designed to give students an opportunity to be innovative and apply the concepts learned in class to their project.
Group Presentation and Report II 30 Group presentation is designed to give students an opportunity to be innovative and apply the concepts learned in class to their project.
Pop exams/Homework Assignment 20 Group Homework Assignments will be given throughout the semester


本課程名額為 15人,已有9 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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1. Understand the concept of the franchise, the franchisee-franchisor relationship 2. Explain the different type of franchise agreements 3. Analyze and explain why franchisees fail 4. Indentify the legal aspects of developing a franchise 5. Develop and implement a franchise marketing plan 6. Explain the components of finding a location and the considerations in this process


应用教授讲述,课堂讨论及个案研究等方式,1)介绍连锁经营的本质和特点,並檢視連鎖經營在餐饮业的適用性,應用範圍和实践方法。 。 對连锁经营模式分別在市场管理,营运管理和财务管理上发生的影响和结果做分析和衡量。 进而学习如何分析并判断连锁经营模式对品牌发展的利弊。 2) 針對“授權加盟”的相关理论和经验做深入的研究和了解, 研討授權加盟的利幣和應用條件,分析授權加盟的風險和影響。 瞭解成為成功的授權主和受權者所需要具備的條件和兩者間的關係,包括研討授權加盟的法律文件和其他相關細節。



1. 餐飲連鎖經營 ( 2007) Mahmood A. Khan著,掌慶林譯,楊智文化事業(股)公司
2. 連鎖企業管理 (2006) 丘繼智 , 華立圖書股份有限公司
3. 餐旅管理個案實務與理論 (2013) 孫路弘
4. Justis, R. & Judd, R. (2004). Franchising (3rd ed.). Thomson Custom Publishing.


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