104年第1學期-8652 大二英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
in class 50
midterm + final 50


本課程名額為 25人,已有31 人選讀,尚餘名額-6人。

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Sophomore English for Non-English Majors (SENM) is a required course for the majority of second-year students at Tunghai University. It is a one-year course worth 1-1 credits, and is taken during the second year regardless of whether a student has passed or failed FENM. English is the medium of instruction. SENM is intended as an integrated English-as-a foreign-language (EFL) course to further advance students beyond the English ability level achieved in FENM. As an extension of FENM, SENM focuses on reading and listening, but still makes use of the four language skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. More specifically, SENM emphasizes application of the four skills learned in FENM to general contexts, and exposes students to English from a range of natural situations, with a focus on reading and listening. Commensurate with their ability level, students are encouraged to draw upon English as a useful resource in learning about and interacting with the wider world. Communication skills are strengthened, and confidence in active use of English is nurtured. SENM also introduces students to interesting topics in English to help prepare students to integrate English source materials in their further studies. Maximizing students’ exposure to real-life conversations, reading materials, and multimedia from different English language sources is emphasized, and students are trained in advancing and improving skills of communication and presentation in English.


Sophomore English for Non-English Majors (SENM) is a required course for the majority of second-year students. It is a one-year course (1-1 credits) taken during the second year regardless of whether a student has passed or failed FENM. Students are NOT arranged by a placement exam. Students will remain in the same course section, with the same teacher, for both fall and spring semesters. 「大二英文」是多數大二學生的必修課程。學生必須於大二期間修習這門上下學期各一學分的一年課程。大一英文成績不及格不會擋修大二英文。學生一旦完成選課,必須留在原班,不得要求更動。上下學期皆然。 This course is intended as a general two-skills (listening and reading) integrated English-as-a-foreign language (EFL) course, emphasizing English in general contexts. In particular, SENM focuses on reading and listening in academic contexts. English is the medium of instruction. The main goal in listening is to provide students with opportunities to hear different English accents and voices in practical real-life conversational situations. The main goal in reading is to enhance students’ reading comprehension through maximizing their opportunities to use basic reading skills such as skimming, scanning, reading for main ideas, inferring, and guessing vocabulary from context. As an extension of FENM, SENM focuses on reading and listening, but still makes use of the four language skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 本課程著重聽與讀兩種能力之訓練,尤其偏重學術性文本,俾能對學生在校學習有所助益。學生除了課堂中聽教師以英文授課,其餘課程中提供的各種視聽教材(CD,DVD以及影片)也幫助學生聽懂各種相關議題的英文。聽力訓練的主要目標乃提供學生於實際日常生活對話情境中聆聽各種英文腔調及聲音的機會。閱讀能力訓練的主要目標在於提供大量基礎閱讀技巧的練習,以加強學生的閱讀理解能力。譬如:快速抓重點、快速尋找資訊、找主旨、做推論以及從上下文揣測字義等。「大二英文」既定位為「大一英文」之延伸,即便以閱讀與聽力之訓練為其主軸,也勢必含括英語四技:聽、說、讀、寫之相關訓練。



i-Q, level 3, Reading and Writing


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