105年第1學期-3370 社會:生命、人性尊嚴與法律 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
attendance, performance and homeworks 30
midterm & final exam 50
group presentation and report 20


本課程名額為 75人,已有73 人選讀,尚餘名額2人。

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本課程更希望能透過串連起攸關生育、生命與死亡權利的法律與人權、人性尊嚴等觀念,以使學生瞭解這個新興議題在我國的發展與國際社會的脈動。 It is a course concerning the concept of birth, life and death and their involvement to the movement of laws relating to human right and human dignity in both Taiwan and international society.這門課選擇了對生命的所有權、生育權、墮胎、複製人、臨終病患、安樂死等攸關人類生命、權利與尊嚴等議題。平均每個議題上二到四次。每個單元的第一次由我透過幾個台灣的案例出發引導到一些國際案例與議題,並向學生介紹這些議題在我國的法律、文化與社會制度下呈現的樣貌與困境。第二或第三週,則要求學生參與討論,透過分享自己的經驗、想法以及個別國家制度等方式,提供所有學生更為多元的全球思維。 透過這些議題,這門課不僅提供學生關於生命與權利等議題的法律或科學通念,更希望能提供學生一個深思的機會,以從人性尊嚴與多元價值的角度自我探討對於自己與他人的生命價值的認知。 I divide the course into 8 selected topics, i.e. Definition of Life, Organs Transplantation, Right to Birth, Wrongful life, Wrongful Birth, Right to Abortion, The Right to Die, Euthanasia, and use 2-4 weeks for each topic. In each topic, I will use the first week to introduce several cases to make students realize the cultural, social and legal tension and controversies involved. Then, the laws/ regulations and cultural and social aspects of Taiwan concerning this topic will be addressed. In the second or third week, students will be invited to share and discuss the law and social aspect of their nations on this topic in a comparative manner to broaden and diverse the views of all participants. Through these topics, I offer students not merely the general legal concept of life and right, but also an opportunity to deeply self-examine especially on their awareness and respect on the value of their own and others' life in the light of human dignity from both Taiwanese and global view points.



Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword, Human Dignity, (2001)Oxford

Jerry Menikoff, Law and Bioethics - An Introduction, (2001)Georgetown University Press


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