105年第1學期-3669 二年法文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Oral conversation tests 90 Questions and answers in French/the capacity to be understood remains the most important criteria
Mid-term and final exam (oral) 10 Only students having an average grade below 80 will have to take these exams


本課程名額為 40人,已有23 人選讀,尚餘名額17人。

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Serge Dreyer


This French 2 class aims at DELF A2 level (European certification). It will be achieved mainly by intensive oral interaction in the classroom between the teacher, his assistant and the students. Some written exercises will be also provided to get more familiar with the new acquired grammar structures. For the students the objective is to be able to communicate with a native speaker about various topics of interest (clothing, food, travel, schooling, hobbies, etc) Some classes will also be dedicated to the discovery of French culture in an intercultural perspective. Students will be encouraged to keep trying to obtain the OFL certificate.



Initial 1 + various material provided by the teacher.


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