105年第1學期-3727 從歌曲笑話強化聽力、閱讀與文法 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 30
Midterm Project 30
Final Learning Profile 40


本課程名額為 130人,已有103 人選讀,尚餘名額27人。

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On completion of the course, students should be able to One. increase their vocabulary through songs with the help of melody. Two. improve their grammar through a greater understanding of: 1) transitive and intransitive verbs in sentence formation; 2) compound and complex sentences; 3) the subjunctive mood; 4) overall use and formation of verb tenses. Three.gain a deeper understanding of the Western culture, particularly in the aspect of hum Four. use the abundant resources on the Internet to further English ability on their own, such as joke sites, lyrics sites, mp3 music free-download sites, and movie scripts sites150首西洋歌曲,文化背景,時代意義,及精準中文翻譯,文法講解,聽力技巧訓練


This three-credit course is designed to make learning English a fun experience by drawing teaching materials from songs and jokes. One song and two jokes are scheduled for each of the sixteen weeks throughout the semester. In addition, students are expected to memorize the lyrics and take cloze tests during the week following.



"聽西洋歌曲學英文" 廣播節目文字稿及音檔;KK Box; Youtube;自編英語笑話大全


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