105年第2學期-2555 餐飲作業系統 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
期中考 30
期末考 30
出席率 20
小組報告 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有67 人選讀,尚餘名額3人。

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Provide students successful management and operational tactics used in food and beverage operations, how food service operations improve quality standards while reducing expenses, and explores ways in which technology can be used to give guests greater value for their dining dollars and improve efficiency


餐飲業經營成敗之關鍵因素常取決於顧客、實體營運以及人力 資源等三構面是否形成一完整之管理體系。本課程乃藉由餐飲 服務特性與餐飲作業模式之概念性整合,學習於餐飲需求分析 及餐飲作業程序規劃之基礎下,設計可茲依循之餐飲作業系統 管理及效益評估模式。



1.Maister, D., Czepiel, J. A. et al. (1985). The Psychology of Waiting Lines. The Service Encounter, Lexington Books. (read all)

2.Lee, W. and C. Lambert (2005). The Effect of Waiting Time and Affective Reactions on Customers Evaluation of Service Quality in a Cafeteria. Journal of Foodservice Business Research 8(2): 19-37. (read 19-23)

3.Dickson, D., R. C. Ford, et al. (2005). Managing real and virtual waits in hospitality and service organizations. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 52: 52-68. (read all)

4.Pullman, M. and S. Rodgers (2010). Capacity management for hospitality and tourism: A review of current approaches. International Journal of Hospitality Management 29: 177-187. (read all)

5.Tzeng, G.H., Teng, M.H., and Chen, J.J. (2002). Multicriteria Selection for a Restaurant Location in Taipei. International Journal of Hospitality Management 21(2):171-187. (read 171- 176)


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