107年第1學期-0988 供應鏈規劃與協同管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm 25
Project 20
Quiz 25
assignments 20
participation 10


本課程名額為 60人,已有10 人選讀,尚餘名額50人。

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This course covers basic principles of supply chain management and provides techniques used to analyze various aspects of logistics systems. Key concepts such as inventory management, communication, warehousing, distribution, and facility location are examined as an integral part of modern business. The course addresses insights, concepts, practical tools, and decision support systems that are important for the effective management of the supply chain A supply chain is defined as a set of three or more companies directly linked by one or more of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information from a source to a consumer. Supply chain management is the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions within a particular company and across businesses within a supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole. The major supply chain processes include planning, sourcing, making or converting, fulfillment, and relationships management. The major dimensions for evaluating the performance of supply chain processes and activities are time, cost, quality and compliance. This course covers the major activities of companies involved in profitably coordinating supply and demand in the marketplace to deliver consumer value.


1. 以「系統化運籌與供應鏈管理」為基礎,由運籌與供應鏈管理的內涵與趨勢,導引學生了解運籌管理的角色定位、功能及系統架構。 2. 介紹採購、生管、配銷運籌管理、資訊科技、先進規劃與排程系統等規劃方法,建立學生基礎相關知識。 3. 藉由專題研究,培養學生解決問題、協調溝通、團隊合作等能力,並透過系統實作,理論結合實務,培養學生專業技能。



Text : 王立志, 系統化運籌與供應鏈管理: 企業營運新典範, 滄海書局, 2006。

Reference : Jacobs, F. R., W. L. Berry, D. C. Whybark and T. E. Vollmann, Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management: APICS/CPIM Certification Edition, 5th. Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011 (online, 2014).


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