107年第1學期-1675 中級會計 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm 40
Final 40
Quiz 20 一章考一次


本課程名額為 40人,已有43 人選讀,尚餘名額-3人。

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Characteristics of accounting are the identification, measurement, and communication of financial information about economic entities to interested parties. As a result, accounting is related to information economics. Globalization is occurring rapidly. A need therefore exists for high-quality financial reporting standards among countries. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has broad international acceptance, being used in some form by more than 100 countries, which includes Taiwan, around the world. This course introduces financial accounting from the perspective of IFRS, and helps students appreciate the challenges, worth, and limitations of financial reporting.The instructor will give the lesson, which including the contents of textbook and the supplement of some related cases in Taiwan. The course also includes a midterm and a final. By following the financial report of some major firm in Taiwan, each member can understand the implementation of each topic introduced in the course.In addition, each member or group will take some practice from textbook in the class.


先修課程:會計學(一) 課程目的: 會計學(二)主要教導學生暸解財務會計之準則,其接續會計學(一)之各項會計原則、假設及慣例,更深入的探討一般公認會計原則之規定,並比較我國、美國及國際會計準則之差異,使學生了解國內外之會計準則,除讓學生學習會計之專業知識外,並具國際視野。本課程亦協助同學認識企業所進行的經濟活動,並將企業的經濟活動忠實記載並在財務報表中允當表達的能力。



Kieso, D. E., J. J. Weygandt, and T. D. Warfield, 2018, Intermediate Accounting: IFRS edition, 3e, John Wiley and Sons.(滄海書局)


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