107年第1學期-3653 一年德文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mitarbeit 課堂上表現 20 課堂上主動參與、小組合作、家庭作業、線上教學平台
Tests 小考 20 小考
Videoclips und Kommentare 影片 10 德文會話影片:固定拍短片並針對他組影片提供建議
Anwesenheit 出席率 10 最高分數為10分,每缺席一堂,從10分扣一分.因正當理由而缺席並提出證明者,則不扣分.
Mittsemesterpruefungen 期中考試 20 muendliche/schriftliche Pruefung; 口/筆試
Semesterpruefungen 學期考試 20 muendliche/schriftliche Pruefung; 口/筆試


本課程名額為 40人,已有32 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

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Manfred Sablotny


全球約有1.19億人說德語,它也是1.01億歐洲人的母語。因此德語是歐洲使用最廣的語言,其使用率在全球排名第十。會講德語能有很多機會豐富自己的人生和增進對歐洲文化特色的認識。此外德語在研究與學術方面也是全球第二重要的語言。本課程的目標有: * basic training in pronunciation and intonation * building basic listening and reading comprehension * enabling students to express themselves in simple sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form by training understanding of sentence structures, grammar, vocabulary, sentence patterns in relation to particular situations * providing background in regional / cultural studies * strengthening interaction between students and developing collaborative skills working alone, with a partner and in groups; enacting dialogues of everyday situations; dialogue variations; listening to native speakers; working with material typical of the target culture; collecting relevant language and culture information; doing independent online research; reflecting own learning process in written form


German I is an introductory course for those with no background in German. It is taught in German and Mandarin, with increasing use of German for classroom communication. Students are tested on speaking, listening comprehension, grammar, cultural background, reading and writing. E-learning might be used for individual and collaborative work.



1. Studio [21]. Das Deutschbuch A1 Edition for English-speaking learners (with DVD-ROM)" (ISBN 978-3-06-520105-6) (由敦煌書局代理進口) -- 書籍特色:附上DVD和網路密碼,只要有網路可以隨時隨地看課本內容,並做相關的練習,讓學德文變成一件更輕鬆有趣的事。
2. Studio [21] A1 Glossar Deutsch-Chinesisch (德中詞彙) ISBN: 978-3-06-520564-1 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
3. Facebook group: Herr Sablotny的德文教室

a. Studio [21] A1 Audio-CDs (聽力) ISBN: 978-3-06-520524-5 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
b. other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section
c. online material related to course contents


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