107年第1學期-3711 進階英文(一) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Homework and Attendance 20
Participation in Seminars 35
Weekly Reflections 15
Midterm Speaking Assignment 10
Ted Talk final presentation 20


本課程名額為 35人,已有24 人選讀,尚餘名額11人。

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Ariana Lauren Zetlin


On completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Understand and define the term “global citizen” as an individual who values diversity and contributes to the global community; 2. Actively participate in group discussions about global awareness, including themes such as identity, conflict and peace, and equality; 3. Seek out and appreciate multiple perspectives when discussing real-world, global themes; 4. Form and express values and opinions on meaningful global issues; and 5. Enhance knowledge of cultural diversity and international perspectives


「進階英文(一)」是針對已經通過本校英語畢業門檻之在校學生所設計的選修課程。此課程為期一學期。學生一旦完成選課,必須留在原班,不得要求更動。本課程以提升學生之學術英文能力為經,培育他們的跨文化素養為緯,對想繼續提升英文能力及計劃到海外就讀的學生尤有所助益。於學術英文能力訓練方面,整體而言,英文聽說讀寫能力兼顧,但是在此學期的課程較偏重於聽力和口語表達培訓。除了加強學生的學術英文能力以外,本課程也將納入跨文化知能,引導學生尊重他國文化,喚醒他們對異文化的好奇心,帶領他們探索不同文化的價值觀,拓展他們的國際觀,並且提升他們以適當的言談和舉止和來自不同文化背景的人互動的能力。 Advanced English (AE 1) is a one-semester course (3 credits) for students who have met THU’s English exit requirement. Students who wish to further strengthen their English skills or pursue higher degrees or join exchange programs abroad are strongly encouraged to take the course. This elective course aims to enhance students’ academic English competence and performance with an emphasis on listening comprehension and speaking. In addition, this course will help develop students’ intercultural competence and international perspectives in diverse cultural contexts.



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