107年第1學期-4075 大二英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm & Final Exams 30 Reading 50%, Listening 50%
Quizzes 20 Reading & Listening
Task-based assignments 15 Communicative ability, cultural diversity, and international perspective
Online practice 20 Reading and Listening
Participation 15 Participation / Attendance


本課程名額為 25人,已有28 人選讀,尚餘名額-3人。

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Course Objectives: (1). enhance their English listening ability; (2). enhance their English reading ability; (3). enhance their overall English communicative ability; and (4). enhance their knowledge of cultural diversity and international perspective Course Contents: In addition to activities suggested by the textbook (Top Notch Book 3), SENM also incorporates discussions, exhibitions, competitions to enhance students’ ability to understand, accept, and respect other cultures.


SENM, an extension of FENM, is a student-centered course. It features a small class size of no more than 25 students, where English is taught with the goal of raising students’ multi-cultural awareness and competence. Various communicative activities are incorporated into the course to help students to achieve this goal. Themes in the SENM curriculum include, but are not limited to, the following list: (1) Cross-cultural Awareness and Competence (2) Literary Appreciation and Criticism (3) Natural Disasters and Global Cooperation (4) Embracing Diversity & Traditions of Others (5) Citizenship and Responsibility (6) Environmental Awareness and Global Citizenship. In addition to activities suggested by the textbook (Top Notch 3), SENM also incorporates discussions, exhibitions, competitions, and show-and-tell’s to enhance students’ ability to understand, accept, and respect other cultures. 「大二英文」為「大一英文」之延伸。本課程將以25人小班制進行多元文化語境之英語教學,實踐以學習者為中心之教學理念,透過各種強調溝通之課室活動設計,引導學生有效提升其英文表達能力。 本課程所規劃之六大核心主題包括:(1) 跨文化意識及認知建構;(2) 文學賞析及評論;(3) 天然災害與國際合作;(4) 擁抱多元文化及族群差異;(5) 公民意識與社會責任;(6) 環境意識與國際公民。 除了透過主要教材Top Notch 3呈現相關內容外,本課程亦會結合討論、展演、競賽及實作等方式,強化學生探討各項議題所需之英文溝通能力,同時引導學生理解、接納並尊重異文化。期待學生能在多元文化之學習語境中,拓展視野、擁抱世界。



1. Top Notch Book 3 (Third Edition)
2. SENM Online Program


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