107年第1學期-6451 社會學理論 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課堂口頭報告 20
Weekly issue memo 20
期末考 30
期末作業與口頭報告 (核心概念之辭典條目編纂) 30


本課程名額為 70人,已有8 人選讀,尚餘名額62人。

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Sociology is the development of systematic knowledge about social life, the way it is organized, how it changes, its creation in social action, and its disruption and renewal in social conflict. Sociological theory is not simply a collection of answers to questions about what society is like. It offers many answers, but it also offers help in posing better questions and developing inquiries that can answer them. In most colleges and universities, sociology students who study social theory read texts by Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. These three nineteenth-century European social theorists are considered to have formulated many of the fundamental themes of sociology. They achieved several of sociology’s most distinct approaches and central concepts. Each of these thinkers was contributing to a common intellectual enterprise, what can be termed as the discovery of society. They responded in divergent ways to a shared historical context, which included the rise and transformation of Western society in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The aftermath of the French Revolution, the industrial revolution, the emergence of the market, and European colonialism opened up social, economic, and cultural opportunities and problems previously unimaginable, from the possibilities of more complex types of social organization (capitalism and socialism) to a novel type of culture based on rationality, social participation, and individualism rather than tradition.These theorists recognized that these new societies differed in dramatic ways from those that preceded them. They were involved in explaining modernity. This course is designed to familiar the students with classical sociological theory by focusing on the selected works of the “founding fathers”—Marx, Weber, and Durkheim—which are indispensable tools for us to grapple with fundamental questions about the rise of capitalism and the formations of modernity.



• 指定閱讀書目

Karl Marx. 1976. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol. 1, translated by Ben Fowkes. New York: Random House.(中譯本:卡爾.馬克思著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧斯大林著作編譯局譯,《資本論.第一卷:資本的生產過程》,台北:聯經,2017。)
Max Weber. 2002. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, translated by Stephen Kalberg. UK: Blackwell.(中譯本:馬克思.韋伯著,于曉 等譯,《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,新北市:左岸文化,2001。)
Max Weber. 2009. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, edited and translated byH. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. London and New York: Routledge.
Emile Durkheim. 1982. The Rules of Sociological Method and Selected Texts on Sociology and its method, edited with an introduction by Steven Lukes, translated by W.D. Halls.(中譯本:〔法〕E. 迪爾凱姆 著,狄玉明 譯,《社會學方法的準則》,北京:商務印書館,1995。)
Michel Foucault. 1995. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison, translated by Alan Sheridan. Vintage Books.(中譯本:米歇爾.福柯著,劉北城、楊遠嬰譯,《規訓與懲罰》,北京:生活.讀書.新知三聯書店,2003/2007。)

• 參考閱讀書目

 古典四大家主要著作

➢ 馬克思
Marx, Karl(卡爾馬克思)、Friedrich Engels(恩格斯)著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧史達林著作編譯局譯,2004,《資本論(典藏全三冊)》。北京:人民出版社。
Marx, Karl(卡爾馬克思)、Friedrich Engels(恩格斯)著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧史達林著作編譯局譯,2014,《共產黨宣言》。台北:五南。
Marx, Karl(卡爾馬克思)、Friedrich Engels(恩格斯)著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧史達林著作編譯局譯,2014,《1844年經濟學哲學手稿》。北京:人民出版社。
Marx, Karl(卡爾馬克思)、Friedrich Engels(恩格斯)著,孫善豪譯,2016,《德意志意識型態Ⅰ. 費爾巴哈原始手稿》。台北:聯經。
Marx, Karl(卡爾馬克思)著,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧史達林著作編譯局譯,2015,《路易·波拿巴的霧月十八日》。北京:人民出版社。

➢ 韋伯
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,于曉 等譯,2001,《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,新北市:左岸文化。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著, 張旺山譯,2013,《韋伯方法論文集》。臺北:聯經。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,顧忠華譯,1993,《社會學的基本概念》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,錢永祥譯,1997,《學術與政治:韋伯選集(I)》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美譯,1992,《宗教與世界:韋伯選集(II)》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美譯,1996,《支配的類型:韋伯選集(ⅢⅣ)》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美譯,1995,《經濟與歷史:韋伯選集(Ⅳ)》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,李彥頻譯,2014,《音樂社會學:音樂的理性基礎與社會學基礎》。重慶:西南師範大學出版社。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美、曾淑正譯,1993,《非正當性的支配 : 城市的類型學》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美譯,2005,《古猶太教》。臺北:遠流。
Weber, Max(馬克斯.韋伯)著,康樂、簡惠美譯,2010,《社會學的基本概念:經濟行動與社會團體》。廣西:廣西師範大學出版社。


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