109年第2學期-1645 大數據與資料科學於商業分析運用 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm exam 30
Final exam 30
Homeworks 40


本課程名額為 70人,已有62 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

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This course is an introductory course in the field of big data designed for non-data science professionals. It focuses on business management applications and non-information technology teaching. By taking this course, students will be able to establish a basic concept of the scope and classification of data science business management, and understand its various applications in the business management field. Students in school can use this to prepare for their careers, while those in the society can expand their imagination of data science and further think about the possibility of applying data science in their own workplaces. 本課程是為非數據科學專業人員設計的大數據領域的入門課程。 它專注於業務管理應用程序和非信息技術教學。 通過學習本課程,學生將能夠建立數據科學業務管理範圍和分類的基本概念,並了解其在業務管理領域的各種應用。 在校學生可以使用它來為自己的職業做準備,而社會上的學生可以擴展他們對數據科學的想像力,並進一步考慮在自己的工作場所中應用數據科學的可能性。 A foundational piece in the fast developing world of Data Science for business. A must study for anyone interested in the Big Data revolution. Intelligent use of data has become a force powering business to new levels of competitiveness. To thrive in this data-driven ecosystem, engineers, analysts, and managers alike must understand the options, design choices, and tradeoffs before them.


A foundational piece in the fast developing world of Data Science for business. A must study for anyone interested in the Big Data revolution. Intelligent use of data has become a force powering business to new levels of competitiveness. To thrive in this data-driven ecosystem, engineers, analysts, and managers alike must understand the options, design choices, and tradeoffs before them.



Big Data MBA

Business Case Analysis with R


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