110年第1學期-3986 大一英文:語文與溝通 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm & Final Exams 期中期末考 50 閱讀Reading 40% 聽力Listening 30% 口說 Speaking 30%
In-Class 平時成績 50 口語報告 Orals 15% 寫作練習 Writing 10% 小考 Quizzes 15% 課堂參與 Participation 10%


本課程名額為 35人,已有15 人選讀,尚餘名額20人。

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黃郁婷 盧麗桾


This required course is intended as a general four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) integrated English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) course emphasizing English fluency in general contexts, i.e., English use for general purposes. Thereby, the course is designed to help students use their existing general knowledge about themselves and about the world along with the knowledge of the English language they have acquired to enhance their general English proficiency and enrich their personal background knowledge by using English to learn and communicate. Specifically, the course maximizes students’ opportunities to use English in a wide variety of contexts both in and outside class. Furthermore, it provides an atmosphere that will increase students’ participation and confidence in a non-threatening, whole-English learning environment and that will facilitate students’ acquisition of new knowledge and skills of the English language and new knowledge about the world. This English course is paired with “Chinese: Language and Communication.” One hour per week will be co-taught by both the English and Chinese instructors dedicated to bilingual and multicultural learning activities and presentations on a variety of themes to develop students’ multilingual and multicultural communication skills. 本課程預期達成下列目標: 1. 增進學生英語聽力 2. 發展學生英語口說能力 3. 培養學生英文閱讀能力 4. 加強學生英文寫作能力 5. 拓展學生國際觀及文化溝通力


「語文與溝通」課程讓教學現場成為以「學」「習」作中心的場域,而能培育「深厚的博雅底蘊」,乃以「溝通」為主軸,以「2+1」為設計架構,落實「跨域」的對話。 在六大範疇的支柱中,「2+1」的第一個概念是,突破中文、英文單一授課的模式,在中文、英文分別授課(2)與共時授課(1)的靈活運用裡,從建立聽說讀寫的基本能力作開端,奠定深度「連結」(Connect)的基礎,不僅讓語文成為專業學習與社會需求的基礎能力,更能對不同文化產生深度與廣度的對話。 「2+1」的第二個概念是,以大二上(1)的成果展呈現大一兩學期(2)的學習成果,強調在學習的過程中,探索「語文與溝通」和專業學習、社會需求之間的關連,並在學習的成就感中,獲得學習的動機。



Reading Explorer Book 2


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