110年第1學期-6331 人權政治專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
課堂參與 30
期末評量 70


本課程名額為 12人,已有3 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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本課程的主要目的,在於向學生介紹政治學界對國際人權此一日漸茁壯的議題領域的研究成果,特別是經驗主義取向研究途徑的發展。在課程設計上,本課程之重心不在於人權理念的規範性討論與思辨, 而是以人權理念在二次大戰後發展擴散此一實存現象為出發點,探討其成因以及影響。 課程的討論將涵蓋不同層面的人權實踐,包括人權條約的參與、區域人權體制的發展、以及國內層次的人權侵害等議題。



 Donnelly, Jack (2003) Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, 2d. ed.. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Shown as Donnelly 2003 in the schedule)
 Simmons, Beth (2009) Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics. Columbia University Press. (Shown as Simmons 2009 in the schedule)

 Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink (1998) Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
 Claude E. Welch, Jr.(2001) Protecting Human Rights in Africa: Roles and Strategies of Nongovernmental Organizations (University of Pennsylvania Press).
 Emilie M. Hafner-Burton (2009) Forced to Be Good: Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
 Wendy Wong (2012) Internal Affairs: How the Structure of NGOs Transforms Human Rights (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
 Christian Davenport (2010) State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace (Cambridge University Press).
 Neil J. Mitchnell (2009) Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War (Palgrave Macmillan).
 Todd Landman (2005) Protecting Human Rights: A Comparative Study (Georgetown University Press).
 Ann Marie, Clark (2001) Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human Rights Norms, Princeton University Press.
 Thomas Risse et al. (2013)The Persistent Power of Human Rights: From Commitment to Compliance(Cambridge University Press).
 Thomas Risse et al. (1999)The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change(Cambridge University Press).
 Kathryn Sikkink (2011)The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics (W. W. Norton & Company).


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