110年第1學期-6993 樂曲分析法 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Assignment 50
midterm exam 20
final exam 30


本課程名額為 30人,已有29 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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The goal of this course is from consolidating the basic analytical techniques of tonal music to introducing the fundamental concept of Schenkerian analysis. Through Allen Forte's and Steven Gilbert's book, we will start from reviewing the common knowledge of tonal harmonies to the linear analysis through Schenkerian concept. The students will be assigned readings, exercises, projects and in-class presentations for the whole semester.


The end goal of this class is to equip you with the basic analytical techniques in every hierarchy. We will cover the first five chapters of Douglas Green’s book, introducing the basic structural units to the phrases in combo. After midterm we will apply these basic techniques to the study of the simpler forms, roughly in Chapters 6 & 8, and make to the form of rondo towards the end of this semester.



Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis, by Allen Forte & Steven Gilbert, selected chapters

Form in Tonal Music—an Introduction to Analysis, by Douglas M. Green, second edition,
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1979.

What is Phrase Rhythm? Chapter 1 by Rothstien


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