110年第2學期-2606 景觀資源調查分析實作 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
景觀資源調查文獻閱讀之導讀報告 40 閱讀資源經營管理文獻,整理後以PPT報告
景觀資源田野調查練習:東海校園 10 景觀資源調查場勘練習與資料整理
景觀資源田野調查練習:日月潭環潭區域 20 景觀資源調查場勘練習與資料整理
經營管理案例研究報告 30 演講案例研讀、國內外景觀資源調查與經營管理案例匯整,以StoryMap呈現


本課程名額為 70人,已有34 人選讀,尚餘名額36人。

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1. Bourassa, S., Hoesli, M. and Sun, J. (2004). What’s in a view? Environment and Planning A. 36(8): 1427-1450.
2. Gobster, P. H., Nassauer, J. I., & Daniel, T. C. (2007). The shared landscape: What does aesthetics have to do with ecology? Landscape Ecology, 22, 959-972.
3. Ode, A., et al. (2008). Capturing landscape visual character using indicators: Touching base with landscape aesthetic theory. Landscape Research 33(1): 89-117.
4. Swanwick, C. (2002). Landscape Character Assessment. Guidance for England and Scotland. Countryside Agency, Cheltenham/Scottish National Heritage, Edin- burgh.
5. Sander, H.A. & Polasky, S., 2009. The value of views and open space: Estimates from a hedonic pricing model for Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA. Land Use Policy, 26(3):837-845.
6. Wang, J., Robertson, G.J., White, K., 2000. Generating viewsheds without using sightlines. Photogrammetric Engineering & REmote Sensing, 66(1):87-90
7. British Columbia Ministry of Forestry, Visual Landscape Inventory: Procedures and Standards Manual. Victoria, B.C. Canada: Forest Practice Branch, Ministry of Forest and Range, 1997.
8. U.S.D.A, Forest Service, Landscape Aesthetics-A handbook for Scenery Management, Washington DC: USFS, 2000.


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