本課程已於 2022-03-05停開

110年第2學期-7174 景觀與社會專題設計-環境保護、社會責任、機構治理 課程資訊


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極端氣候所造成的環境、健康與經濟災難已逐漸成為全人類的新日常生活。聯合國COP26氣候峰會呼籲各國共同努力達到碳中和,以避免全球暖化帶來更嚴重的災難性影響。在聯合國倡議的可持續發展目標下,政府部門或企業均需要承擔應負的社會責任。在經濟發展的同時,也須對整體社會環境的永續發展有所貢獻;承諾遵守道德規範,改善機構員工及其家庭狀況,提升在地社區生活品質及社會福祉。 本課程運用WHW(Why, How, What)設計思考模式,訓練具備或不具備設計背景之學生,透過跨領域團隊合作或個人跨領域學習方式,來產出環境設計(硬體)與內容設計(軟體)的一系列整合性成果。計劃案內涵力朝與國際接軌、並可適應新的經濟遊戲規則,使其富有ESG(Environment環境保護、Social社會責任與Governance機構治理)精神。計畫成果可涵蓋硬體環境設計(如景觀、室內…)與軟體內容設計(如節慶、遊程、品牌、管理/運作系統、政策、教案…)。希冀計劃案完成後,順利接軌後續之運營與管理。 Various environment, health and economic disasters has become new normal for humankind. The UN COP26 Climate Change Summit calls on all countries working together to achieve net-zero-carbon-emission goal to avoid further catastrophe. Under UN sustainable development goals initiative (SDGs), all sectors need to assume their social responsibility. In the process of pursuing economic development, each sector must also contribute to sustainable development of overall social environment; promise to abide the social norm and to improve the conditions of their employees and their families as well as wellbeing of the whole community and society. By adopting the wholistic WHW (Why, How, What) design thinking process and method, this course is designed to train students with or without design background, through cross-field teamwork or individual cross-field learning and implementation, to produce an integrated project of physical environment design and program design. Every project needs to deepen its connotation so as to embrace the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) spirits in order to in line with new international standards and emerging economic rules of game. Both physical environment design (e.g. landscape architecture, interior design…) and intangible program design (e.g. event, travel package, branding, management/operation system, policy, educational package …) products are acceptable and expected. The multi-faced project product would increase the success of operation and management for the next stage.



1.Mariana Amatullo, Bryan Boyer, Jennifer May, Andrew Shea (eds.). (2021). Design for Social Innovation: Case Studies from Around the World. NY: Routledge.

2.Kate Raworth. (2018). 甜甜圈經濟學:破除成長迷思的7個經濟新思考(Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist). Penguin Random House LLC.

3.Joost Van Hoof, Hannah Marston (eds.). (2021). Feature Papers Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Mdpi AG.

4.Matthrew Carmona. (2021). Public Places Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design. NY: Routledge.

5.Gary Austin. (2014). Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning: Integrating Human and Natural Systems. New York, NY: Routledge.

6.Frederick Steiner, Richard Weller, Karen M'Closkey (eds.) (2019). Design with Nature Now. Lincoln Institute Policy.