111年第1學期-6327 兩岸關係專題 課程資訊


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報告 70
平時 30 以筆記暨出席率計算


本課程名額為 12人,已有6 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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1. 借由兩岸關係與中國大陸政治社會問題課程介紹,建立學生對於兩岸關係的基本認知,茲因中國大陸正在邁向快速的變遷成長中,其在全球的政治經濟影響力日益增強,更牽動台灣的發展,所以有必要加強對兩岸關係的認知水平。 2. 使學生能了解兩岸關係的發展對台灣的影響:任何關懷台灣發展的人,都不能忽略中國大陸的因素,所以如何深層理解兩岸關係是現階段青年學子的必修學分。 3. 使學生能認知兩岸關係穩定發展的重要性:借由各項影響兩岸關係穩定發展的各項變數分析,使學生能認知兩岸關係穩定發展的重要性。課程內涵主要在呈現中國大陸的國情,中共黨的政治生態與改革開放後的社會發展,期使學習者能對兩岸關係與中國大陸的影響力有一清晰之輪廓



John King Fairbank, part 3. The Road to Normalization, China Watch, (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1987),
Chen-Yuan Tung and Philip Hsiaopong Liu, “Online Research on Taiwan-U.S.-China Relations,” Issues & Studies, vol. 40, nos. 3/4 (September/December 2004), pp. 252-280.
耿曙(Keng Shu)、林琮盛(Choung-Sheng Lin),〈全球化背景下的兩岸關係與台商角色〉,《中國大陸研究》, 48卷1期 (2005年3月 1日) , 頁,1 – 28。
Getting the China challenge right, David Dollar and Ryan Hass Monday, January 25, 2021. https://www.brookings.edu/research/getting-the-china-challenge-right/
This brief is part of the Brookings Blueprints for American Renewal & Prosperity project. Aspects of this paper are drawn from the authors’ contributions to the monograph, “The future of US policy toward China: Recommendations for the Biden administration.”
Peter Gries and Tao Wang, Will China Seize Taiwan? Wishful Thinking in Beijing, Taipei, and Washington Could Spell War in 2019, 20190215, Foreign Affairs.
哈佛大學艾利森(Graham Allison),《注定一戰:中美能否避免修昔底德陷阱?》Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides‘s Trap?第10章
“The most dangerous place on Earth: America and China must work harder to avoid war over the future of Taiwan”, May 1st 2021 , The Economist.
Oriana Skylar Mastro, “The Taiwan Temptation: Why Beijing Might Resort to Force”, July/August 2021, Foreign Affairs.
Adam Segal, “The Coming Tech Cold War with China: Beijing Is Already Countering Washington’s Policy”, September 9, 2020, Foreign Affairs.
Steven Erlanger, “Afghanistan’s Unraveling May Strike Another Blow to U.S. Credibility”, Aug. 13, 2021, The New York Times.

Why commercial ties between Taiwan and China are beginning to fray
The relationship that helped build China’s economy faces new challenges
, No


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