111年第2學期-2827 Principles of Engineering 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Formal Group Presentation - Midterm 35
Formal Individual Presentation - Final 35
Assignments and Quiz 10
Attendance and Participation 20


本課程名額為 50人,已有23 人選讀,尚餘名額27人。

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1. Demonstrating an understanding of the engineering design process and how engineers use it to solve problems. 2. Working effectively in a team to solve a design challenge by understanding the different fields of engineering and their roles. 3. Building the students' expertise in Science, Technology and Engineering and promoting problem solving, critical thinking, hands-on activities and real-world applications



1. Engineering Design: An Introduction by John R. Karsnitz, Stephen O'Brien and John P. Hutchinson
2. Principles of Engineering by Brett Handley, Craig Coon and David M. Marshall


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