111年第2學期-6188 實驗設計 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
作業 50
期末報告 30
課堂參與 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有4 人選讀,尚餘名額66人。

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實驗設計(Experimental Design)係一科學化的研究,它能對操作或控制一些因子的水準尋找影響結果的要因。統計上的實驗設計可以發揮最有效、最簡潔的資料收集,也能獲得較可靠的資料,以便提供決策。這些年來,工業、企業與經濟、醫學等也都應用早期源於農業科學的實驗設計作為研究工具。 研究人員可以利用實驗來回答一些問題,典型的問題可能如:  治療某種疾病的藥是否有效?  何種施肥配方能提高農作物產量?  哪一種促銷的方式較有效? 本課程旨在教導學生隨機、誤差控制及重複特性的基本原則以建構實驗設計的基礎,並介紹一些重要實驗設計及其分析方法。


The subject of experimental design is important due to its widespread use in many areas of scientific research. The topic of this course will include introduction of the principles of experimental designs and randomization, the process of design and corresponding analysis of variance. We shall introduce many important designs, such as completely randomized design, randomized block design, Latin type design, nested design, factorial design, incomplete design, split-plot design, cross over design, and response surface design. It is essential that students obtain a firm understanding of the philosophical basis and of the principles of experimental design as well as a broad knowledge of available designs together with their assumptions and application. The students also need to learn how to derive a liner model from a specific design. Based on linear model theory, they should be able to derive the statistical inferences of various designs.



教科書: 沈明來,實驗設計學(第五版),九州圖書文物有限公司,2014
參考資料: 陳順宇、鄭碧娥,實驗設計,華泰書局,2007
Peterson, R.A., Design and Analysis of Experiment Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1985
Hicks, C. R. and K. V. Turner, jr. Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments (5th ed), Oxford University Press, Inc. 1999


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