本課程已於 2024-03-03停開

112年第2學期-5852 數位科技的商業價值創造 課程資訊


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本課程名額為 30人,已有1 人選讀,尚餘名額29人。

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In the current era of digital economy and technological progress, the landscape of business development is undergoing a significant shift, with a predominant focus on the business value generated by digital technology. Companies are increasingly prioritizing their use of digital technology and adopting innovative management practices. This emphasis is driven by the continuous implementation of digital innovation initiatives, aiming to achieve substantial business value. However, a critical question arises: How can business value be effectively created through digital technology? Is it possible to acquire the skills to understand and manage the value creation processes associated with digital technology? Acknowledging that the business value creation of digital technology is inherently cross-disciplinary, the course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding within a constrained timeframe. The instructional design centers on the core concept of "digital technology innovation," with the overarching goal of "business planning." Aligned with these objectives, the course will specifically introduce and delve into high-value creation methodologies developed by the instructor during his tenure at the Industrial Technology Research Institute. In class, the instructor will guide group project teams through practical exercises, enabling students to not only develop a profound understanding of the business value creation process but also amass practical skills in technology innovation and the formulation of new business proposals.



1. Laverty, M., & Littel, C. (2020). Entrepreneurship. Publisher: OpenStax. https://openstax.org/books/entrepreneurship/pages/1-introduction
2. Shields (2022). Leading Innovation. Publisher: eCampusOntario
3. Swanson (2017). Business Plan Development Guide. Publisher: Openpress
4. Compiled materials and PPTs by the instructor


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